Monday, August 27, 2012

NEW TO ROBOTICS? Try CUBELETS - the easy way to learn modular programming

     Well if you don't have a clue how to program a robot or know what an Arduino microcontroller is then I have found the product for you.  It is a fun way for kids and adults to get into robotics without having to do much programming or assembly.  Cubelets attach to each other and then mix all their abilities in order to create a semi-atomatic robot.

SPHERO THE ROBOTIC BALL - Ios and Android controlled toy/Gaming System

Well i have found the latest and most intriguing toy ever.  Let me introduce "SPHERO" by a company called Orbotix.  Sphero is basically a rolling ball with equipped sensors and activities.  By controlling it with your iphone or android smartphone you can play many Artificial Reality games as well as interact with other Spheros.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

KURATAS - Life sized robots

     Kuratas are the latest man-controlled robots from japan.  Rumors are that they can be controlled by your iphone.  They are tank-like and can carry 1 person.  Specs say that it can travel up to 10mph (not bad for a 4 ton robot).  The bad news is that they cost around 1.5 million dollars to make and are not available to the general public.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I found a site that has a brief history on robotics.  I fount this timeline interesting since it explores some robotic-like projects that were in existence way before the invention of electricity.  

Check it out >>> History of Robotics 

TOP 50 ROBOTS OF ALL TIME - Wired Magazine Online

Wired magazine did an article about the best robots ever created.  They recognize the fictious as well as the real ones.  Among the most remarkable ones are Optimus Prime, Roomba Discovery, Nintendo's R.O.B.  , Sony's Aibo, Lego Mindstorms, Astroy and R2-D2

Wired Magazine Issue 14.01  from January, 2006


This blog is all about robots.  Come read all about the latest robots as well as the latest toys and gadgets.